Service Packages

Would you like to know what possibilities there are for exploiting your intellectual property (IP) already protected or still to be protected in Germany or in other countries or jurisdictions, possibly also in cooperation with third parties? Or you would like to be one of several users within a framework of licensing / franchise concepts in cooperation with the holders of rights, and you are looking for economic optimization possibilities? You recently have registered a small portfolio of intellectual property rights through a patent attorney, and you would like to get more detailed advice on economic exploitation for future month/years? You would like your company to expand abroad, and you would like to rely on legally and contractually secured support, especially in the context of initial contacts with potential cooperation partners?

Depending on your company’s current situation or interests, you may choose at least one of the following service packages, which are described in more detail on the respective sub-pages:


These service packages can be accessed by the rights holder as well as by a user/licensee or buyer. Some of these individual service packages may also overlap and complement each other.

Exemplary exploitation project: Your European patent has been validated in Germany, France and Spain for several years, and it refers to a technology used in the automotive industry, and it still has a remaining term (lifetime) of several years. Your own company produces in successful cooperation with a business partner in France; in Spain, however, a competitor has recently established itself, but the competitor is not supposed to use your technology, i.e., your patent should be enforced against that competitor as a blocking right. Probably, the PROLICE service packages being helpful for your company are: LEX for Spain, with a focus on blocking the competitor; EARN in France, with the aim of structuring the scope of the license in an advantageous way and, if necessary, finding further (sub)licensees (e.g. indirectly patent-infringing suppliers); JOIN for Germany, with regards to the aim to find a project partner in Germany as well.

For the respective service package, a time frame of up to one or two quarters may seem to be appropriate, depending on the scope of the license or exploitation object. In case of more complex acquisitions, the time frame can optionally be extended to up to one year.

Any consulting costs to be planned for the respective service package are highly dependent on the desired time frame and the complexity of the object to be licensed or exploited; therefore, the cost ranges given here can only provide for rough indications, but not for offers/quotes.